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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Almost Complete

           Wow!  I am really beginning to be able to visualize what my completed course will look like to my students.  I feel so much differently with this course creation than I have with other online environments that I have created such as Webquests.  I find myself standing up for e-learning in conversations with my colleagues.  Many people claim that online classes cause them to feel disconnected.  I disagree!  I feel very connected in this course.  I really believe this is a result of the eTools that are used in this course as well as those built into the courses we are creating. 
            I feel a bit naïve to admit it, but I did not know that there were online equivalents to Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.  I had used Google Docs before when multiple people were in need of accessing the same document, but I never made the comparison to Word or considered that it could replace it.  I am sure there are other people in my district who lack this information or the ease of its use.  I am excited to contribute in the upcoming technology conversations by suggesting Google Docs and Google Presentations instead of spending the money to upgrade to the newest version of Microsoft Office. 
            As I come to the end of my course creation, I am constantly reminding myself to choose and create purposeful activities for my Wiki and not just find tasks that will work.  It is a bit strange to create activities to fit this mode of delivery and also meet my objectives.  Previously, I had objectives, created an activity, and then decided how the information would be presented.  I have this etched in my brain so that my course remains purposeful and not just an excuse to use technology. 

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Stop and Reflect

            So far in C&I 438, I have put a lot of thought into what the norms of teaching and schooling are going to look like five years from now.  I already knew that online courses already exist across all grade levels, but I was interested in learning how those courses at the elementary level allow students a sufficient amount of interactions with classmates and teachers.  Through some of the elements incorporated into this class as well as the podcasts I viewed this week, I have learned that using tools that allow for synchronous communication as well as personalizing profiles allow students to feel connected to real people instead of just a computer.  I will remember these personal touches when planning and using online courses. 
            I have gained a better attitude toward changes, such as one-on-one computing, that will probably occur within my district over the next few years.  Upon reflection, I realized that the computers will just be an added tool for use in classrooms.  I will not be restricted to use the computers 100% of the time or give up the other successful tools for learning that I use currently. 
            Course management systems, Yodio, and Twitter are all pieces of technology that I had previously not explored.  I am excited to now have the ability to record using Yodio.  This skill inspired me to explore Movie Maker which was already loaded on my school computers.  I am now able to record my students reading to track their progress on audio.  I am excited to incorporate this fun way of progress monitoring in August!